Professional Roof Restoration Sunshine Coast

We’re Fussy Roof Restorations. We provide Sunshine Coast with the safest, hassle free roof restoration & roof painting service.

Our mission is to take the stress out of roof restorations with our great range of products and friendly services.

We’ve been providing services to the Brisbane Region. Our team of qualified roof painter are people you can trust. Our awesome team can provide a full range of roof restoration solutions for any building style; Commercial, Strata & Residential.

For a free quote, give us a call on 1300 734 302 or email us at

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When you look up at the roof of your home, what do you see? Many people would like to restore the shine and protection to their roof like new, but don’t have tens of thousands for a full replacement. That’s where our Sunshine Coast roof restoration team comes in. We can provide you with a range of roof restoration options at a fraction of the cost of a replacement.

Our roof restoration process is simple:

  1. Repair the roof
  2. Replace any broken tiles (tile roof only)
  3. Clean the roof and gutters with a high pressure cleaner
  4. Coat the roof with anti-mould treatment
  5. Apply a rust inhibitor (metal roof only)
  6. Spray on a sealer and primer
  7. Apply two coats of Roof Protect roof membrane
  8. Full ground level clean up

Quality Sunshine Coast Roof Restoration

Fussy Roof Restorations goes beyond the basics. We can help you with roof repairs, gutter repairs, gutter painting and roof leaks. We can find matching roof tiles for older profile roof tiles. We’ll give you a free site visit and write up a detailed quote that includes photos, so all your roofing needs will be covered by our trusted team.

Want More Information?

So why not send us a quote request using the form below and our trusted team will be in contact to help you on your way to a safe, beautiful and leak free roof. They call us fussy for a reason!

See some of our recent Sunshine Coast Roof Restoration projects here.

Also you can check out some of our Roof Restoration Sunshine Coast Google reviews here.

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